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Histórias da CAPITAL: Um dia na vida de um colega da CAPITAL

Esta história é escrita por Lucy, uma CAPITAL Peer, onde ela explica seu dia-a-dia normal e sua extraordinária jornada e impacto.

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Image by Val Vesa
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We are a member-led organisation, pressing for change and utilising our lived experience.

  • We have served our communities since 1997, confronting issues and leading from the forefront.​

  • Everyone who provides help within our support network has experienced mental health challenges. ​

  • We walk alongside people both in hospital wards and in the community to support and guide them. ​

  • We are educational and constantly inform others.

  • We offer a free membership, to anyone who is looking to get involved and join our local activities; including peer led groups, training opportunities, community hubs, patient viewpoint meetings and other fun get togethers.
    Read more >

A CAPITAL faz parte de uma aliança de organizações Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise que prestam serviços e trabalham juntas como Pathfinder West Sussex, com o objetivo de tornar os serviços locais acessíveis a qualquer pessoa que precise de apoio à saúde mental.

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Quotes from our members: 'I take happiness and confidence from experience into my own life and work with CAPITAL to make the world a happier place' Quotes from our members: 'Each time I attend, we learn different things about different sides of mental health' Quotes from our members: 'The atmosphere was very friendly, I could be open and honest without being judged.'

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