What Will the SCALE Network Do?
The SCALE Network is different from the other lived experience groups, because it is not specific to any one organisation or condition. It’s focus is to provide a more unified network of all lived experience groups.
The West Sussex Coproduction Lead is hosted by CAPITAL Project Trust, but runs this network separately from them and their membership, and any other organisations.
The network created by the West Sussex Coproduction Lead is regional to West Sussex, but it will be partnered with SCALE Networks regional to East Sussex, and Brighton & Hove. Their Coproduction Lead is hosted by Possability People.
Together these networks aim to standardise the engagement of lived experience, bringing more equity to services. As a team the Leads will be a single point of contact for anyone seeking information, guidance, support or access to mental health lived experience experts. They’ll host a network independent of the NHS and other organisations as a pool of expertise that can be accessed by anyone undertaking coproduction projects. They will champion the use of lived experience, and the voices of people from less served communities.
Equality treats all people in the same way.
Equity treats people differently according to their needs, in order to achieve more equal outcomes.

Image One shows two pictures of three people looking over a fence at a baseball match. In the first picture, labelled ‘Equality’ they are standing on boxes that are the same size. The tallest person has a clear view. The middle person can see over the fence, but the smallest person cannot. In the second image, labelled ‘Equity’ the taller person’s box has been moved to the smaller person, who can now see over the fence.
Contact Information:
The Co-Production Lead for the SCALE Network is Catherine McGill
(Pronouns: They/Them; She/Her; He/Him)
Catherine McGill is temporarily unavailable, if you have any queries about the SCALE Network contact us below:
Email: coproduction@capitalproject.org
Phone: 01243 869662
Complete our online registration form for the SCALE Network (Should take approximately eight minutes)