Tuesday 1st - Sunday 5th June
There are no events between these dates.
Monday 6th - Sunday 12th June
Monday 6th June
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: Coffee Morning
Where: Safe Haven, Bognor Regis
Who: All Welcome
Time: 2pm - 3pm
What: Art Group
Where: Safe Haven, Bognor Regis
Who: Spaces are limited (Book a Space via Calling the Office on: 01243 869662)
Tuesday 7th June
Time: 10-11am
What: Mentor Scheme Staff Workshop
Where: Online
Who: For all staff members interested in becoming Mentor.
Time: 2:30am - 3:30pm
What: CAPITAL Website Editorial Workshop
Where: Online
Who: Helen, Duncan, LaToya, Roy, Liz, Dave
Wednesday 8th June
No scheduled events.
Thursday 9th June
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: AAW Locality Meeting
Where: East Worthing Community Centre
Who: AAW Members - Please Email: michelle.montesino-chinea@capitalproject.org
Time: 10:30am - 1:30pm
What: Members 'Getting To Know Us' Workshop
Where: Online
Who: All Members Welcome. Please email helen.hayward@capitalproject.org to book your place.
Friday 10th - Sunday 12th June
No scheduled events.
Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June
Monday 13th June
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: Coffee Morning
Where: Safe Haven, Bognor Regis
Who: All Welcome
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: Brighton University AMHP Assessment Call
Where: Microsoft Teams
Who: Email shaun.spillane@capitalproject.org if you wish to participate.
Time: 1pm - 3pm
What: Art Group
Where: Safe Haven, Bognor Regis
Who: Spaces are limited (Book a Space via Calling the Office on: 01243 869662)
Time: 2pm - 4pm
What: Northern Working Together Group
Where: Online
Who: Roy
Tuesday 14th June
Time: 3:30pm
What: Jacqui Cavalier's Funeral
Where: Chichester Crematorium
Who: All Welcome
Wednesday 15th June
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: Brighton University AMHP Assessment Call
Where: Microsoft Teams
Who: Email shaun.spillane@capitalproject.org if you wish to participate.
Time: 12pm - 2pm
What: CAPITAL Picnic
Where: Hotham Park, Bognor Regis (Meet at Gazebo near Café)
Who: All Members Welcome
Thursday 16th June
No scheduled events.
Friday 17th June
Time: 10am - 12:30pm
What: Patient Viewpoint
Where: Langley Green Hospital, Crawley
Who: Email latoya.labor@capitalproject.org if you are interested in volunteering.
Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th June
No scheduled events.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June
Monday 20th June
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: Coffee Morning
Where: Safe Haven, Bognor Regis
Who: All Welcome
Time: 11am - 12pm
What: Lived Experience Training Initial Meeting
Where: Online
Who: All Members Welcome. See Newsletter for More Details. Email helen.hayward@capitalproject.org to book your place.
Time: 1pm - 3pm
What: Art Group
Where: Safe Haven, Bognor Regis
Who: Spaces are limited (Book a Space via Calling the Office on: 01243 869662)
Tuesday 21st June
No scheduled events.
Wednesday 22nd June
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: WSCC AMPH Co-Production Group Meeting
Where: Microsoft Teams
Who: Email shaun.spillane@capitalproject.org if you would like to participate.
Time: 11am - 1pm
What: Members 'Getting Involved' Workshop
Where: Online
Who: All Members Welcome. See Newsletter for More Details. Email helen.hayward@capitalproject.org to book your place.
Thursday 23rd June
No scheduled events.

Friday 24th June
Time: 10am - 12pm
What: Brighton University Interviews
Where: Microsoft Teams
Who: Email shaun.spillane@capitalproject.org if you would like to participate.
Time: 11am - 2pm
What: Western Locality Meeting
Where: Salvation Army Hub, Canada Grove, Bognor Regis
Who: Western Members - Email shaun.spillane@capitalproject.org
Time: 1pm - 4pm
What: Northern Locality Meeting
Where: Langley Green Hospital, Crawley
Who: Western Members - Email latoya.labor@capitalproject.org
Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th June
No scheduled events.
Monday 27th - Thursday 30th June
Time: 1pm - 3pm
What: Art Group
Where: Safe Haven, Bognor Regis
Who: Spaces are limited (Book a Space via Calling the Office on: 01243 869662)

Time: 2pm - 4pm
What: Northern Working Together Group
Where: Online
Who: Roy
Tuesday 28th June
No scheduled events.
Wednesday 29th June
Time: 11am - 1pm
What: CAPITAL Core Team Meeting
Where: Hybrid
Who: CAPITAL Core Members
Thursday 30th June
Time: 1pm - 4pm
What: Northern Locality Meeting
Where: Langley Green Hospital, Crawley
Who: Western Members - Email latoya.labor@capitalproject.org