21 Apr 2023
Have your say and help design future community mental health services
Be part of the transformation of community mental health services in West Sussex
The free event follows on from the success of the workshops that held in autumn 2022, where people with lived experience of accessing mental health services, families and carers, representatives from the health and care sector, local authority, and Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise VCSE), came together to identify the immediate priorities for Crawley to achieve transformation.
This event will provide an update on what progress has been made so far, the next steps, as well as highlighting opportunities for how you and your communities can continue to be involved in this exciting work.
To be held on Thursday 25th May 2023 10:00 - 13:00
At The Charis Centre West Green Drive Crawley RH11 7EL
Book your place via Eventbrite here; https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/crawley-community-mental-health-transformation-event-tickets-597717447977