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December & January 2024-25 Newsletter & Events

December 24 Newsletter

December 24 Diary of Events

2 Dec 2024

CAPITAL Newsletter & Events December & January

We are fast approaching the end of what has been an incredibly exciting year for CAPITAL, and it won’t stop there, there’s plenty more wonderful things happening in the future. Please have a read through of our newsletter and diary to see what we’ve been up to and also see what’s coming up.

Coordinator News

  • Fantastic news, our wonderful Peer Worker Amanda Milsom has just celebrated 11 years with CAPITAL. An absolutely brilliant member of our team at Meadowfield, thank you Amanda for everything you do.

  • Heidi Tilney will be temporary Western Coordinator for the next 2-3 months.

Crawley and East Grinstead

November kicked off for us up ‘in the North’ with going to the beautiful Wakehurst Place, where we enjoyed the gorgeous Autumn walks with nature-fungi guide Daniel.

We all agreed our spirits were immensely lifted by us getting together in nature and we look forward to doing it again soon.

Many thanks to Ali for securing funding with the Wakehurst Community Access Scheme and to everyone for coming along. And to the sun for shining and to the rain not coming along! We had a very good hub the following week at Trinity Church where we enjoyed supportive conversation and a fun fireworks themed art workshop with Dave.

On the 11th we had our first Crawley Hub at what will be from the New Year, our new Crawley venue, at the Waythrough Centre (formerly Richmond Fellowship). Members were given a guided tour and enjoyed the bright and friendly atmosphere and location.

We are hoping to go to the Toby Carvery at Langley Green, RH11 7UR for our EG and Crawley Christmas Meal on the 9th December -please look out for further emails/info at hubs to confirm. We hope to have a Christmas themed art session at the December East Grinstead hub too.

CAPITAL Membership Awards 2024

We welcome back our CAPITAL Membership Awards for 2024. At our next Members Day, we'll present the awards and celebrate the achievements of our members.

This is your opportunity to nominate!

There are three categories:

• The Andrea Linell Award is for a member (or members) who have created or been involved with a piece of work that does something to enhance the name of CAPITAL and its reputation

• The Peter Brooks Award is made to members who deliver great informal peer support to others

• The Jacqui Cavalier Award celebrates CAPITAL members who have, through resilience, been positive in overcoming challenges These awards are for CAPITAL members; paid staff members are NOT eligible for nomination, unless this recognises achievements outside of CAPITAL.

Link to vote: or alternatively please call the office on 01243 869662 to cast your vote for the awards and the members day.


Also use the form above to cast your vote for the next Members Day - tell us where you'd like it!


Membership awards 2023 above!

Drug and Alcohol Partnership

We launched a new partnership with West Sussex County Council (DAP) on 5th November 2024.

CAPITAL have been commissioned to bring the voice of service users to the Drug and Alcohol Partnership and how people with lived experience could help to offer solutions.

The Coproduction Community Fund will be available for people to support the Drug and Alcohol Partnership priorities in the county, through their own community initiatives and leadership.

At the event, we heard people’s stories, held workshops to get ideas and inspiration going about potential projects - to improve support for people in West Sussex who use drugs and/or alcohol. People had a range of ideas for projects that could be funded. The fund will be available soon.

We also will have paid lived experience role opportunities to shape the project and decide on what we should fund.

Please contact Sara Shepherd ( or Mark Mills ( for more information, or if you'd like to get involved with this work.

CAPITAL Company Update from the 2024 Annual General Meeting

Roy Davies CAPITAL Chair

Our 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on August 30th.

The minutes from the 2023 AGM were approved and seconded by Grace Hayles and Micia Starky.

The accounting reference date was approved by Roy Davies and Grace Hayles. Roy Davies approved the financial statement seconded by Micia Starky.

Reappointment of independent auditors Sheen Strickland was proposed by Roy Davies and seconded by Suki Westmore. But it has been noted that their fees have been higher this year and the company bookkeeper accountant pointed out that it is good practice to consider alternative auditors in such circumstances.

Chief Executive's, Accountant's and Chair's reports summarised the events and activities of the CAPITAL Charity during the 2023-2024 financial year.

Highlights included that we remained a living wage employer.

We continue management of West Sussex Coproduction and Lived experience groups, although this is now only funded at half the rate of it's initial year.

We have engaged with West Sussex County Council on assessment of health needs and this has led into projects on homelessness and substance dependence with expectation of a near £100k contract to begin in October.

Membership engagement is constantly under review to prioritise how better to support and communicate with our members to become more involved, including volunteering opportunities.

CAPITAL Governance

Two Trustees, Cathy Snooks and Trevor Lockyear have resigned from the CAPITAL Trustee Board as they have completed their term of appointment.

There are three new Trustees, Latoya Labor, Lin Gibbs and Sam Fox, who were voted by the membership to join the board.

A presentation explained that we face the challenge of a changing commissioning landscape going in to 2025.

The Chief Executive and trustees proposed that an important way that we can prepare to meet the changes would be to review and update the governing constitutional document of the charity, known as the Memorandum and Articles.

The language of our Memorandum and Articles is dated. It does not reflect our current ambitions and approaches, such as, coproduction. There are some constraints against our developing and growing. And there could be an opportunity to make some changes that might aid recruitment and retention of trustees.

Approval was sought to make some changes in three aspects. To expand the geographical area within which we might operate and recruit, beyond West Sussex. The ways that this would happen should fully take into account the impact on CAPITAL members. To update the way our charity's purpose is expressed, which should include the incorporation of coproduction and lived experience to influence and facilitate change.

This will enhance our sustainability through the range of new opportunities that we may bid to fulfil. To make changes to the way we recruit Trustees and their term of service, which will help to maintain a diverse board with the skills and experience needed to oversee a possibly broader geographical range of operation.

The CAPITAL members present and entitled to vote approved by 84% that we may change our area of operation to be able to work outside of West Sussex, that we modernise, the language used to express our purpose, and how the governance by our trustees operates.

CAPITAL Rebranding

Communications agency PMW chose CAPITAL to receive free consultation to rebrand.

During consultation workshops working collaboratively we examined how we communicate the meaning, corporate personality identity of CAPITAL and how we would like to evolve.

The plans for rebranding were completed in time to coincide with our end of August AGM.

The CAPITAL Chief Executive presented a rollout of the rebranding. So we now go forward with a rename as CAPITAL with a new logo and colours.

Our website, social media and marketing have been updated with the new changes.

Guest Speaker

Thanks to the guest speaker Alison Faulkner, Survivor Researcher who gave a presentation on user led organisations, past, present and future.

Coproduction News

What is the LEAG? Our group is a dedicated Mental Health Lived/ Living Experience Network with a focus on challenging and changing Local Mental Health Care.

We strive to develop mental health support through lived experience while co-producing with local partners and organisations (such as the NHS and Council-driven services).

We are proudly independent and aim to advocate for everyone, including minority groups and people from diverse backgrounds in the West Sussex area.

We provide lived experience insight to influencing and shaping services for the future. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, our LEAG is currently looking for new members – if you’re interested please email

CAPITAL Fundraising – CAPITAL needs you!

Would you, or your friends or family, like to donate or raise money to help CAPITAL support more people?

There are lots of ways you can do this. From Payroll Giving where you can donate tax free through your salary, and EasyFundraising, which allows you to donate each time you shop online at over 7000 shops; through to raising funds however you see fit - perhaps cake sales, or car washing, or even running a marathon!

£5 would buy some much-needed art supplies

£15 would pay for a Wellness Pack for someone leaving hospital

£50 would pay for room hire and refreshments for a Locality meeting £100 would pay for one day of peer support

Alternatively, you can help by sharing our social media posts to raise awareness of our work, by volunteering, or telling us about any fundraising opportunities you hear about.

Whatever you do to support us, now or in the future, we want to say a big THANK YOU!

Proudly funded by:

NHS Sussex Logo
Heads On logo
Bentley logo
The Forrester Family Trust logo


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Tha CAPITAL Project Trust na chompanaidh earranta le barantas clàraichte ann an Sasainn aig: Safe Haven, 32 Rathad Sudley, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 1ER Àireamh Companaidh Clàraichte 4157375 Àireamh Carthannais Clàraichte 1087420

T: 01243 869662


© 2022 CAPITAL Project Trust

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