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Cuir a-steach gu Saor-thoileach le Urras Pròiseact CAPITAL

Aig CAPITAL Project Trust tha sinn a’ cur luach mòr air an ùine agus an taic a tha ar saor-thoilich a’ toirt dhuinn, tha e na chuideachadh mòr le bhith a’ toirt taic do dhaoine air feadh Sussex an Iar aig a bheil tinneasan slàinte inntinn. 


Ma tha thu a’ coimhead airson cothrom saor-thoileach buannachdail beachdaich air obair saor-thoileach còmhla rinn!

Lìon a-steach am foirm gu h-ìosal agus bidh cuideigin bhon sgioba againn a’ conaltradh riut gus bruidhinn mun obair shaor-thoileach agad.  

Apply to be a CAPITAL Trustee

Please send your completed Application form and Conflict of interest form to and also, cc to - by July 17th.

If you have any questions or would like support to apply, please contact Roy Davies - Chair of Trustees.

You will hear back from us within a week. We will invite you to an informal interview with current Trustees where a decision will be made as to your suitability.

If you are successful, we will take you through the next steps to welcome you on board at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in August.

You will need to prepare a one page Statement to go out in the August mailing to the CAPITAL member voters, send this by July 26th.


Should you not have the right skill set feedback will be provided so you know what you can do to be successful in the future.

All unsuccessful applicants will be welcome to apply again in the future.

Proudly funded by:

NHS Sussex Logo
Heads On logo
Bentley logo
The Forrester Family Trust logo


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Tha CAPITAL Project Trust na chompanaidh earranta le barantas clàraichte ann an Sasainn aig: Safe Haven, 32 Rathad Sudley, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 1ER Àireamh Companaidh Clàraichte 4157375 Àireamh Carthannais Clàraichte 1087420

T: 01243 869662


© 2022 CAPITAL Project Trust

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