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Living Wage Employer Logo
Abstract Splash_edited.png

This important role will support our communications and social media work and provide some admin and HR support to our teams.

Part time: 15-16 hours per week (2/3 days)

Rate: £10.75 per hour

Purpose of the Role

The CAPITAL Team Assistant role provides:

• dedicated admin support to teams, especially the team of CAPITAL Peers

• support to communications and social media

  • support for some of the Human Resource processes for the organisation


The post holder helps to maintain office processes, records and files, and supports improvement of our office systems, working with another office administrator, and closely with the CEO.


The role will also have a focus on supporting and developing our communications and social media.


Working together with three Locality Coordinators and their teams, the role assists in the running of CAPITAL Peers (our in-reach hospital peer support service).


CAPITAL Project Trust is working through a period of change and development and the post holder will need to be prepared to work flexibly within this changing organisation. This therefore may result in some changes to the key tasks of this role.

For the full job description and role profile, download the PDF below.

Apply by completing an application form and send it to

You must also complete and send an equal opportunities form with your completed application form.

If you would like more details about this role, please email Duncan:

CAPITAL Project Trust is a Living Wage Employer

Closing date for the role is: 12 Noon on Monday 24 October

Tha CAPITAL mar phàirt de chaidreachas de bhuidhnean Iomairt Coimhearsnachd Saor-thoileach a tha a’ lìbhrigeadh sheirbheisean agus ag obair còmhla mar Pathfinder West Sussex, le sùil ri seirbheisean ionadail a dhèanamh ruigsinneach do dhuine sam bith a tha feumach air taic slàinte inntinn.

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Proudly funded by:

NHS Sussex Logo
Heads On logo
Bentley logo
The Forrester Family Trust logo


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Tha CAPITAL Project Trust na chompanaidh earranta le barantas clàraichte ann an Sasainn aig: Safe Haven, 32 Rathad Sudley, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 1ER Àireamh Companaidh Clàraichte 4157375 Àireamh Carthannais Clàraichte 1087420

T: 01243 869662


© 2022 CAPITAL Project Trust

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