Drug & Alcohol Partnership
We launched a new partnership with West Sussex County Council (DAP) on 5th November 2024.
CAPITAL have been commissioned to bring the voice of service users to the Drug and Alcohol Partnership and how people with lived experience could help to offer solutions.
The Coproduction Community Fund will be available for people to support the Drug and Alcohol Partnership priorities in the county, through their own community initiatives and leadership.
At the event, we heard people’s stories, held workshops to get ideas and inspiration going about potential projects - to improve support for people in West Sussex who use drugs and/or alcohol. People had a range of ideas for projects that could be funded. The fund will be available soon.
We are currently recruiting for an oversight board member for the Drug & Alcohol Partnership Co-production project
This is a lived experience opportunity for anyone who is/has accessed drug & alcohol support, or their carers in West Sussex.
We are paying £12ph and there will be approximately x4 online meetings to attend over the next 6 months.
You will work alongside the Lived Experience Lead & community organisations and the council; to effectively coproduce and develop solutions within the priorities within the county wide drug action plan.
Download the role description here:
Register your interest by 17th Dec to:
Sara Shepherd sara.shepherd@capitalcharity.org or Mark Mills mark.mills@capitalcharity.org
Sara's Lived Experience
Watch this video to hear from our Lived Experience Lead, Sara Shepherd, about her own experience of drug harm.
Combatting Drugs Partnership Report - March & April 2024
West Sussex County Council and CAPITAL collaborated to run several online and in person events to gather feedback around substance misuse issues in the community to inform Combatting Drugs Partnership priorities, and development of a county wide action plan for 2024/25.
View the full report here:
Understanding the experiences and impact of temporary accommodation on adults who use drugs and/or alcohol report - October 2024
Nationally, and locally in West Sussex, the need for more permanent housing options exceeds the availability, which has resulted in a reliance on the provision of temporary accommodation (TA). Given this situation, the placement process for TA is often based on availability, rather than choice, which can be challenging.
In 2023-24 the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities awarded a grant to West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and 27 other local authorities to enhance support to people in accessing and maintaining more permanent housing to help them engage in specialist drug and/or alcohol treatment and sustain their recovery. This grant is part of the Government’s ten-year national strategy to reduce drug and alcohol harms and improve treatment and recovery services. As part of this work, WSCC Public Health commissioned CAPITAL, as a local lived experience organisation, to conduct focus groups with people to gather their views and experiences. The objectives in commissioning this report were to:
Understand people’s experience of TA, and the extent to which it assists or inhibits their ability to engage in specialist treatment and support and sustain their recovery, including their individual physical, social, and mental wellbeing.
Identify, from the perspective of people with lived experience, what ‘good’ looks like in terms of TA conditions and what additional support could benefit recovery
The findings of this report will help organisations across West Sussex to understand the risks and harms that drug and/or alcohol dependent people experience when living in TA, and how this impacts on their ability to access and engage in specialist treatment and sustain recovery. Recommendations will be outlined at the end for professionals, organisations, and commissioners to consider how support for them can be improved.
View the full report here:

Contact Information:
The D&A Partnership lead for CAPITAL is Sara Shepherd (Pronouns: She/Her)
Email: sara.shepherd@capitalcharity.org
Phone: 01243 869662
The D&A Partnership project assistant is Mark Mills (Pronouns: He/Him)
Email: mark.mills@capitalcharity.org