Möglichkeiten, wie Sie uns unterstützen können
CAPITAL Project Trust ist eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation für psychische Gesundheit, die für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen von Personen gegründet wurde, die Erfahrungen mit psychischen Erkrankungen gemacht haben. Wir sind nie vom Grundprinzip abgewichen, ein Peer-Support-Netzwerk für alle zu schaffen, die es brauchen. Unsere gesamte Zeit hat Erfahrungen aus erster Hand mit dem Leben mit psychischen Erkrankungen; etwas, das CAPITAL Project Trust völlig einzigartig ist.
Wenn Sie uns helfen möchten, Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen weiterhin zu unterstützen, können Sie eine der unten aufgeführten Methoden anwenden.

Who is Farewill?
Farewill is the best rated will writer in the UK, and has won multiple awards for their service, including National Will Writing Firm of the Year (four years in a row). Customers have rated them 4.9/5 stars on Trustpilot, from over 15,000 reviews. Farewill has helped raise over £900 million for charities across the UK through gifts in wills.
What if I need extra support while writing my will?
Farewill’s specialist team is available to help you over the phone or by email, Monday to Friday 9am-6pm. If you would be more comfortable writing your will over the phone, you can book a free appointment. Just let them know you came to Farewill through CAPITAL's free will service.
Farewill also have a full library of friendly and easy to use online guides to answer your questions, and help you prepare to write your will.
What if I need more time?
No problem! You can save your progress and log back in to complete your will later, so you can take your time to think things over.
What if I need to make changes to my will?
You can update your will at any time with Farewill's Unlimited Changes service. It's free for the first year, and then you can access unlimited changes for just £10 a year. This is an optional service.
Do I need a solicitor?
No, you're not required to hire a solicitor to complete your will. Farewill's specialist team offer expert checking, to ensure your wishes are clear. You may prefer to work with a solicitor, for example if you have complex requirements such as assets abroad. Farewill is here to help you with decisions like this, so feel free to give them a call on 020 8092 5010.